Wednesday, 9 April 2014


Fighting Germs

Household germs are everywhere, and 
they are particularly fond of  the kitchen and bathroom. According to a study carried out by NSF International, cleaning with disinfectant doesn't completely kill the germs, and over time the micro organisms can actually multiply and build up resistance to disinfectant.They can cause a range of illnesses from the common cold, to food poisoning and even asthma.

Although germs have a bad reputation however, we are told not to panic! A safe level of exposure to these pathogens can build and boost our immune system.


Kitchen Sink.
The kitchen sink is 100,000 times more contaminated than the bathroom basin. Always remove residue of left over food and clean with hot soapy water. Disinfect the drain with a bleach based solution  or use a mixture of bicarbonate of soda and white vinegar, followed by hot water. This will unblock any build up of food and leave you with a clean, fresh smelling drain.

Kitchen Sponge/Cloth.
After 3 weeks of use your kitchen sponge will start to exhibit bacteria such as e coli and salmonella. By placing the sponge in a microwave for 2 minutes (in a microwavable bowl with water) you can kill most of the bacteria. We would recommend that you change your sponge frequently, or even better use anti bacterial surface wipes, or kitchen paper towels which are disposed of after use.

Kitchen Worktops.
As they are constantly being used they can collect and harbour all types of germs. Always wipe down your surfaces after cooking or preparing foods and use chopping boards to minimise mess and cross contamination. Always follow the instructions on cleaning products. Some disinfectants are actually ineffective if not left in contact with the surface for long enough. Keep cats/pets off work surfaces!

Animal Food Bowls.
Our pet food and drinking bowls are often overlooked, but animals carry germs in their saliva and so their bowls should be washed in hot soapy water on a daily basis or put in the dishwasher. Don't put fresh food into a dirty bowl, and always supply fresh, clean water. Keep the floor space where pet bowls are kept clean by placing a non slip mat underneath them.This will prevent spills and mess spreading, but don't forget to wipe clean too!

Overlooked and often  in contact with dirty hands and contaminated food. Always clean up spills from your hob after cooking, otherwise they become burnt on and much more difficult to remove. We recommend a regular professional oven cleaning schedule. Once a week then remove all buttons, shelves etc..and wash in hot soapy water.

Coffee Maker.
Being dark and damp this is an ideal place for bacteria and mould to hide. Clean by filling the reservoir with 2/3 cups of white vinegar, top with water and run the machine as normal. Run again with just water until the vinegar is totally flushed out and no smell remains.

Toothbrush Holder.
Not just holding your brushes and toothpaste but also millions of germ cells too! Don't drink/rinse out of a dirty one, wash in hot soapy water whilst you are cleaning your bathroom sink, or put in the dishwasher on a regular basis.

Bathtub and Shower.
Your bath and shower harbour 26% of a bacteria called staphylococci, compared to 6% found in rubbish bins! Clean both regularly, rinse your shower out whilst showering, and if you can dry it to prevent the conditions that mould love to thrive in.

Knowing where germs are hiding is half the battle, disinfectant or good old fashioned hot soapy water, how do you intend fighting yours?



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